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Press Releases


Tonko Announces $53,334 Award to Speigletown Fire District


Federal grant award will supply district with quick-lock hydrant adapters for faster, safer firefighting


Washington, June 21, 2017


“Our Capital Region firefighters regularly put their lives on the line to protect the communities they serve. When our bravest are out on a call, the last thing they need to be worried about is the reliability and usability of their equipment. This award ensures that the brave volunteers in the Speigletown Fire Company have the tools they need to continue saving lives and safeguarding homes and businesses in their hometown community.” - Rep. Paul Tonko


TROY, NY – Rep. Paul Tonko (D-NY) announced today that $53,334 has been awarded to the Speigletown District Volunteer Fire Company through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) FY2016 Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) program. The award will go toward the purchase and installation of permanent quick-lock hose adapters on hydrants throughout the area served by the Speigletown Fire District.


Congressman Tonko praised the award and the service provided by the Speigletown District Volunteer Fire Company: “Our Capital Region firefighters regularly put their lives on the line to protect the communities they serve. When our bravest are out on a call, the last thing they need to be worried about is the reliability and usability of their equipment. This award ensures that the brave volunteers in the Speigletown Fire Company have the tools they need to continue saving lives and safeguarding homes and businesses in their hometown community.”


Speigletown Fire Chief William Maloney emphasized the importance of keeping firefighting equipment updated and operational: “Fires today burn hotter and faster than ever due to new flammable chemicals and materials being used in modern furniture, homes and offices. That means we need to be able to respond even faster to give us our best chance to save lives and limit fire damage. Thanks to this AFG funding, we can upgrade the hydrants in our area so our volunteer teams don’t spend precious minutes attaching hoses and can just get to the business of fighting fires.”


Hydrants and hoses in the Speigletown Fire District currently require a patchwork supply of different adapters to connect and draw water. This award is expected to supply permanent adapters to be attached to hydrants in the district to expedite quick locking hose attachment.

AFG grants are competitive and awarded directly to fire departments to protect public and first-responder health and safety. Since 2001, AFG has helped firefighters and other first responders obtain critically needed equipment, protective gear, emergency vehicles, training, and other resources to protect the public and emergency personnel from fire and related hazards.


This funding is part of round 6 of the competitive Fiscal Year 2016 announcements. For more information on the grants, visit the AFG website at 









Speigletown Fire District
146 Speigletown Road (Route 40)
Troy, NY 12182

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