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NYS DEC Open Burn Information

Happy Summer!  With the nice weather finally upon us we like to break out the barbecues and bonfires.  Please check out the information on open burns, and the what can and cannot be burned residentially.  Any questions can be directed to the chiefs, Rensselaer County DEC or the county clerks office.


Information on DEC Open Burn Policy

Burn Ban in effect March 16th - May 14th

The Burning of Brush is prohibited during this time due to increased risk of wildfires.  Some other types of fires are allowed during this period.  Information on exceptions allowed during the burn ban can be found on the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) website.  In addition, please remember, it is illegal to burn trash year-round!


If you plan to open burn brush OUTSIDE of the 3/16 - 5/14 Ban, please remember to call Rensselaer County Dispatches BEFORE you burn.

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