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A message from the Speigletown Volunteer Fire Company regarding COVID 19


1. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.  Do this often, especially if you touch any public surfaces (doors, toilets, railings, etc.) or have contact with other people.  Hand sanitizer can be used when soap and water are not available, but hands should be wash immediately when they are available to you. 


2. Cough into your elbow.  Do not cough into your hands.  You should always cover your mouth when you cough in the vicinity of others, covering your mouth with your elbow helps reduce the spread of any germs you may have. If you cough into your hands wash your hands immediately.


3. Do not touch your face.  Especially in public, and if you have not washed your hands.  Most germs that cause infection enter the body through the eyes, nose and mouth, touching your face increases your chances of catching an infection if exposed. 


4. Practice Social distancing.  Stay at least 6 ft. away from others when in public, and avoid social spaces, if you can.  Avoiding contact with others helps lessen the spread of infectious viruses like COVID 19.  If you do have contact with others, avoid touching your face, and wash your hands immediately.


5. Stay home.  If you can please avoid going out.  If you do have to go out please practice social distancing, avoid touching your face, cough into your elbow, and wash your hands regularly.


Please check the CDC website on COVID 19 for more information.  Including information on how to protect yourself, and what to do if you are sick.


If you think you may have contracted COVID19  you can use the CDC Self-checker.  or you can call the Rensselaer Country COVID 19 hotline at 518-270-0450.


Symptoms include: Fever, Cough, Shortness of breath, tired/aches similar to the flu.  If you need to get tested please call your doctor or an emergency medical facility (Walk-in Urgent Care/Emergency Room) first, before going to the facility and potentially exposing people that are there for other illnesses.  


Life threatening symptoms: Trouble breathing, persistent pain/pressure in the chest, new confusion or inability to wake, bluish lips or face.  If sever symptoms appear seek medical attention immediately.  If you call 911 please inform the dispatcher of ALL OF YOUR SYMPTOMS!


New York State has been gradually reopening.  Please see the NYS government website for more information on the state's reopening schedule, and what to do if you have been traveling in/thru other states.


If you need 911 please call.  If you need emergency medical care, please remember we may show up wearing, gloves, masks, eye protection, and gowns.  This is to protect EVERYONE and reduce the spread of COVID 19!


Soon things will return to normal, and we will be able to resume the monthly breakfasts and hall rentals!  Thank you for your patience, understanding, and support!


We want to thank the community for their cooperation, and doing their part to lessen the spread of COVID19 Coronavirus.  This is a serious public health pandemic that has greatly disrupted all of our lives.  COVID 19 causes severe respiratory distress, risk and severity increase with age!  


Please consider the following 5 rules to help protect yourself and everyone else from exposure to COVID 19:

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Speigletown Fire District
146 Speigletown Road (Route 40)
Troy, NY 12182

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© 2016 by Justin Bounds & Justin Golub

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